Click Below for Certification Details
- Professional Coach Certification
- Life Coach Certification
- Wellness Coach Certification
- Career Coach Certification
- Relationship Coach Certification
- Addiction Coach Certification
- Youth, Parent & Family
Coach Certification - Spiritual Coach Certification
- Executive Leadership Certification
- Business Coach Certification
- Marketing Coach Certification
- Christian Coach Certification
- Master Coach Certification, Group Coach Certification, Laser Coach Certification & Team Coach Certification
- Corporate Team Coach Training, Management Coach Training & Leadership Coach Training
ICF Credential
Through WCI you will become a Certified Coach. Some coaches decide to pursue an ICF (International Coach Federation) credential. You can choose to become an ICF Member for a small fee per year plus 60 hours of approved training (which can be 48 teleclass or in-person hours + 12 self-study hours) instead of or in combination with your ICF Credential. About 41,860 coaches worldwide hold an ICF credential.
ICF LEVEL 1 Approved Coach Training Hours
All of our Foundational CPC Zoom Teleclasses give you the necessary 60 ICF Approved Zoom Teleclass Coach Training Hours plus even more self-study hours. And our ICF Group Mentor Zoom Teleclass gives you the necessary 10 ICF mentoring hours. Our other Zoom Teleclass such as the CCMC Teleclass which contains 52 Zoom Teleclass Coach Training Hour can be utilized to apply or renew an ICF credential by the ICF's Portfolio Path application; in this case you just upload your certificate and student manual.
ACC - (Associate): 60 hours coach training (only 12 can be self-study and 48 must be "live", such as a teleclass or in-person coach training hours); a majority must be on the ICF Core Competencies, 100 hours coaching others, 10 hours being coached by an ICF PCC or MCC coach.
PCC - (Professional): 125 hours coach training (only 25 can be self-study and 100 must be "live" (teleclass or in-person) coach training hours; a majority must be on the ICF Core Competencies, 500 hours coaching others (450 paid), 10 hours being coached by an ICF PCC or MCC coach.
MCC - (Master): 200 hours coach training (only 40 can be self-study and 160 must be "live" (teleclass or in-person), coach training hours; a majority must be on the ICF Core Competencies), 2,500 hours coaching others.
To obtain the Level 1 ICF certification please enroll in the CPC Zoom Teleclass + the ICF Mentoring Zoom Teleclass This includes all ICF mentoring and your ICF Performance Evaluation Then you just take the ICF Exam after you apply for your credential. Our CCMC Teleclass gives you 52 teleclass credit hours which can be utilized in the ICF portfolio path credential application.
ACC - (Associate): 60 hours coach training (only 12 can be self-study and 48 must be "live" (teleclass or in-person)) coach training hours; a majority must be on the ICF Core Competencies, 100 hours coaching others, 10 hours being coached by an ICF PCC or MCC coach.
PCC - (Professional): 125 hours coach training (only 25 can be self-study and 100 must be "live" (teleclass or in-person)) coach training hours; a majority must be on the ICF Core Competencies), 750 hours coaching others, 10 hours being coached by an ICF PCC or MCC coach.
MCC - (Master): 200 hours coach training (only 40 can be self-study and 160 must be "live" (teleclass or in-person)) coach training hours; a majority must be on the ICF Core Competencies), 2,500 hours coaching others.
COACH TRAINING The foundational teleclass gives you the coach training hours needed for the ACC. The CCMC class alone gives you enough for the ACC. The foundational + CCMC class gives you the coach training hours needed for the PCC. And we are adding more advanced classes this year for those wishing to go for the MCC. You would add these classes to the foundational and CCMC class.
CLIENT LOG (template provided with the course) The next requirement is your client log. If you go for the ACC you need to log 100 client hours. The log is a list of your client names, their email addresses, the hours and dates coached and if they were free or paid.
MENTOR LOG (template provided with the course) The third and final component is 10 hours of mentor coaching over 3 months with an ICF PCC or MCC. You may hire any ICF PCC or MCC. We do have a 30% discounted package for three ICF Mentor Coaches as an option. We recommend waiting until you are at least half-way through the teleclass before hiring a mentor coach. Find out more!
WCI’s ICF MENTOR COACH OPTIONS When applying for an International Coach Federation (ICF) ACC or PCC credential you need to obtain 10 hours of mentoring over three months from an ICF PCC or ICF MCC coach. 7 of these hours can be from a group setting.
OPTION 1: WCI's ICF GROUP MENTOR COACH TELECLASS WCI offers a comprehensive five-week ICF Group Mentor Teleclass which includes: 1) ICF application insight and support 2) an advanced in-class coaching practicum 3) in-depth look at what will allow one to pass or not pass the credentialing application of their choice 4) and fulfillment of the required Individual ICF Mentoring Sessions Find out More! Or Enroll!
OPTION 2: ICF MENTORS OFFER 30% DISCOUNTED PACKAGES TO WCI STUDENTS FOR 10 HOURS OF MENTORING We firmly believe that you should be able to choose your ICF Mentor Coach. If you choose to sign-up with one of our ICF mentor coaches, we have arranged for you to receive a 30% discount on their 10-Hour Mentor Coaching Packages. The contract and payment would be directly with your chosen coach. Read more about the coaches and their packages.
Click here for more information on credential application
Renew every 3 years following the requirements.
ACC, PCC, and MCC Credentials are valid for the three-year period following the coach's initial approval or latest renewal. You may only submit Continuing Coach Education completed in the three years since the initial award.
• Participation in at least 40 hours of Continuing Coach Education (CCE), with at least 24 hours in Core Competencies
• For ACC renewals only, an additional 10 hours of Mentor Coaching above those hours required for initial credential
• Submission of the renewal application with appropriate documentation online.
Click here for more information on renewal.