Certified Professional Coach (CPC)
WCI’s Certified Professional Coach training program gives you the necessary foundation to coach with a 100 percent success rate. Through this coaching course you learn how to apply WCI’s Proven Methodology with confidence, generate business and maintain long-term client relationships. Our CPC training is included in all of our foundational coaching courses.
We offer two great ways to obtain your professional coaching certification. You can take advantage of our interactive Certified Professional Coach Teleclass or our Certified Professional Coach Self Study Course, our online coach training option.
- CPC Teleclass Certification
- CPC Self Study Program
- Niche Add-ons
Program Title: Certified Professional Coach (CPC) Teleclass Coach Training Course
Program Overview: Comprehensive 8 week teleclass coaching certification course includes WCI Coach Training Methodology Learning & Application, Coaching Training Practicum, Business Builder Mentoring Program, & Buddy Coaching
Coaching Certification Earned: Certified Professional Coach (CPC)
Credits Earned
- 60 ICF ACSTH Approved Coach Training Hours—ICF Membership and the ACC Credential Application (via ACSTH Track) requires 60 ICF Approved Coach Training Hours
- 82 CCE Approved Hours toward the BCC Credential.
Additional Hours Earned (included in CCE approved hours)
- Additional Buddy Practicum. 12 Total Hours.
- Additional Core Self-Study Requirement. 48 Total Hours.
Key Learning Areas
- Coaching Application
- Coach Communication Skills
- Core Coaching Competencies
- Tools & Assessments Application
- Business & Career Development
- Professional Coach Models Text Book
- Methodology Learning & Application
- Lecture & Discussion
- Coach Training Practicum
- WCI Coach Tools Application
- Client Forms
- Buddy Coaching Practicum
- WCI Student & Graduate Online Community Access
- Business Builder Program I 80-Page Manual
- Career Builder Program I
- None at this time
Coaching Training Practicum: Observe up to 25 coaching sessions, coach twice and be coached twice, receive feedback and provide feedback to others
Buddy Coaching: Meet with a new classmate each week to conduct one 30 minute coaching session with one another applying the skills learned that week; make connections, develop alliances and connect with a support group and new friends, sometimes for life!
Those Who May Be Interested Include But are Not Limited to the Following:
Professional Coaches:
Those who wish to start a coaching business such as 9 to 5ers, Solopreneurs, Entrepreneurs, Career Changers, Retirees & Young People, High School & College Grads, Stay-at-Home & Single Moms, or anyone who has had a challenging situation they have overcome.
Coaching Professionals:
Those who wish to enhance their current business or career such as Educators, Teachers & Instructors, Human Resources Professionals, Executives, Managers & Employees, Doctors, Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists & Therapists, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers, Yoga & Pilates Teachers
Course Objective: Deliver top notch successful coaches armed with the confidence, skill, process, tools, and an ability to attract, please and maintain clients.
Estimated Time for Completion: Meet twice per week for 8 weeks
Class Length: 3 hours which includes coaching training practicum, mentoring, lecture, discussion and Q&A
Testing: Open book multiple choice final exam and 16 module assignments
Upon Successful Completion: You will hold the title of Certified Professional Coach and receive a certified coach logo for your marketing materials
Upon Payment of Full Balance: You will receive via mail a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) certification as well as a WCI / ICF letter detailing your coaching training credits.
Course Topics:
Personal Foundation - Personal Vision, Values Based Living, Goal Setting, Law of Attraction, Mindset for Success, Managing Emotions, NLP, Transformational Coaching, Creativity, Time Management, Intuition, Conflict, Boundaries, Success, Prosperity, Abundance
Foundational Coaching Skills - Meeting Ethical Guidelines, Establishing the Coaching Agreement, Establishing Trust & Intimacy, Coaching Presence, Powerful Questioning, Active Listening, Empowering, Acknowledging, Direct Communication, Designing Actions, Planning and Goal-Setting, Managing Progress and Accountability, Advanced Coaching Skills, Coaching Models for Creating Awareness, Group Coaching, Transformational Coaching, Seminars, Workshops, Client Tests and Assessments, The Enneagram and Myers Brigg's
Setting Up Your Business – Vision, Strategic Positioning, Naming your Business, Choosing Your URL, Payment System, Legal Structure, Accounting, Business Plan, Website Creation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Accreditation by the ICF
Marketing Your Business - Marketing Plan, Positioning, Branding, Target Audience Definition, Channel Plan, Social Media Strategy, Speaking, Earning Six Figures, eBook Authoring, Self-publishing, Article, Marketing, Networking, Measuring Return, Secrets of Successful Coaches
Included Coach Tools:
Included Client Forms - Welcome Letter, Client Data Sheet, Client Guidelines Client Agreement, Client Testimonial Form, Client Prep Sheet - Regular Coaching with Ongoing Commitment, Coaches Income & Expenses Worksheets, Event Disclaimer, Client Promise, Tracking Template for IRS Expenses
Included Professional Coach Tools - WCI Optimum Life Assessment, Goals Sheet, 10 Goals in 90 Days | Strengths and Weaknesses, Zero Tolerations, Brainstorm Mind Map, Building Success Formulas, Saying "No", Setting Boundaries, Map Your Journey, Goals by Design, 81 Days of Happiness, New Year's Resolutions
Program Title: Certified Professional Coach (CPC) Self-Study Coach Training Course
Program Overview: Comprehensive coaching certification course includes WCI Coach Training Methodology Learning & Application and Business Builder Program.
Coaching Certification Earned: Certified Professional Coach (CPC)
Credits Earned: WCI 50 Self-Study Coach Training Hours
Prerequisites: None at this time
Coaching Course Includes: Coach Tools, Client Forms for Your Business, Module Materials, Business Resources, Student Center Log-in, WCI Graduate Community Access
Additional Materials Required: None at this time; all materials are in downloadable electronic format
Those Who May Be Interested Include But are Not Limited to the Following:
Professional Coaches:
Those who wish to start a coaching business such as 9 to 5ers, Solopreneurs, Entrepreneurs, Career Changers, Retirees & Young People, High School & College Grads, Stay-at-Home & Single Moms, or anyone who has had a challenging situation they have overcome.
Coaching Professionals:
Those who wish to enhance their current business or career such as Educators, Teachers & Instructors, Human Resources Professionals, Executives, Managers & Employees, Doctors, Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists & Therapists, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers, Yoga & Pilates Teachers
Course Objective: Deliver top notch successful coaches armed with the confidence, skill, process, tools, and an ability to attract, please and maintain clients.
Estimated Time for Completion: 2 – 8 weeks; it’s really up to you!
Testing: Open book multiple choice final exam and 16 module assignments
Upon Successful Completion: You will hold the title of Certified Professional Coach and receive a certified coach logo for your marketing materials
Upon Payment of Full Balance: You will receive via mail a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) certification as well as a WCI / ICF letter detailing your coaching training credits.
Course Topics:
Personal Foundation - Personal Vision, Values Based Living, Goal Setting, Law of Attraction, Mindset for Success, Managing Emotions, NLP, Transformational Coaching, Creativity, Time Management, Intuition, Conflict, Boundaries, Success, Prosperity, Abundance
Foundational Coaching Skills - Meeting Ethical Guidelines, Establishing the Coaching Agreement, Establishing Trust & Intimacy, Coaching Presence, Powerful Questioning, Active Listening, Empowering, Acknowledging, Direct Communication, Designing Actions, Planning and Goal-Setting, Managing Progress and Accountability, Advanced Coaching Skills, Coaching Models for Creating Awareness, Group Coaching, Transformational Coaching, Seminars, Workshops, Client Tests and Assessments, The Enneagram and Myers Brigg's
Setting Up Your Business – Vision, Strategic Positioning, Naming your Business, Choosing Your URL, Payment System, Legal Structure, Accounting, Business Plan, Website Creation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Accreditation by the ICF
Marketing Your Business - Marketing Plan, Positioning, Branding, Target Audience Definition, Channel Plan, Social Media Strategy, Speaking, Earning Six Figures, eBook Authoring, Self-publishing, Article, Marketing, Networking, Measuring Return, Secrets of Successful Coaches
Included Coach Tools:
Included Client Forms - Welcome Letter, Client Data Sheet, Client Guidelines Client Agreement, Client Testimonial Form, Client Prep Sheet - Regular Coaching with Ongoing Commitment, Coaches Income & Expenses Worksheets, Event Disclaimer, Client Promise, Tracking Template for IRS Expenses
Included Professional Coach Tools - WCI Optimum Life Assessment, Goals Sheet, 10 Goals in 90 Days | Strengths and Weaknesses, Zero Tolerations, Brainstorm Mind Map, Building Success Formulas, Saying "No", Setting Boundaries, Map Your Journey, Goals by Design, 81 Days of Happiness, New Year's Resolutions
At WCI we like to offer options! Therefore we currently offer 18+ niche coach certification areas which you may wish to pursue. Use these to broaden your target audience and business opportunities as a coach!
Pre-requisite: You must be registering or you must have already registered for one of the following courses.
- WCI Foundational Teleclasses or
- WCI Self-Study Course or
- WCI Certified Coach Master Class or
- Completion of a foundational or advanced coach training course from another qualifying coach training school
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